    All Creatures Great and Small
    5. Sezon
    Puanım :
    All Creatures Great and Small

    Sezon bilgisi:

    12 Bölüm
    İlk yayın tarihi: 3 Eylül 1988
    Robert Hardy
    Robert Hardy
    Rolü : Siegfried Farnon
    Peter Davison
    Peter Davison
    Rolü : Tristan Farnon
    Margaretta Scott
    Margaretta Scott
    Rolü : Mrs. Pumphrey
    5. sezon bölümleri
    Against the Odds
    S05E01 - Against the Odds
    Place of Honour
    S05E02 - Place of Honour
    Choose a Bright Morning
    S05E03 - Choose a Bright Morning
    The Playing Field
    S05E04 - The Playing Field
    When Dreams Come True
    S05E05 - When Dreams Come True
    A New Chapter
    S05E06 - A New Chapter
    A Present from Dublin
    S05E07 - A Present from Dublin
    The Salt of the Earth (aka The Good Companions)
    S05E08 - The Salt of the Earth (aka The Good Companions)
    Cheques and Balances
    S05E09 - Cheques and Balances
    Female of the Species
    S05E10 - Female of the Species
    The Jackpot
    S05E11 - The Jackpot
    Two of a Kind
    S05E12 - Two of a Kind

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