    Rising Damp
    2. Sezon
    Puanım :
    Rising Damp

    Sezon bilgisi:

    7 Bölüm
    Sezon yapım tarihi: 1975
    Leonard Rossiter
    Leonard Rossiter
    Rolü : Rigsby
    Frances de la Tour
    Frances de la Tour
    Rolü : Ruth
    Gabrielle Rose
    Gabrielle Rose
    Rolü : Brenda
    2. sezon bölümleri
    Permissive Society
    S02E01 - Permissive Society
    Food Glorious Food
    S02E02 - Food Glorious Food
    A Body Like Mine
    S02E03 - A Body Like Mine
    Moonlight and Roses
    S02E04 - Moonlight and Roses
    The Perfect Gentlemen
    S02E05 - The Perfect Gentlemen
    The Last of the Big Spenders
    S02E06 - The Last of the Big Spenders
    Things That Go Bump in the Night
    S02E07 - Things That Go Bump in the Night

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